Flavour chemistry
Flavour chemistry is a scientific discipline that is used to determine the individual compound(s) that are responsible for the characteristic flavour(s) found in foods and beverages. The partners of Sensory Food Network Ireland have developed a strong capability in this area, with particular expertise in the identification of odour active compounds through the use of sophisticated extraction techniques and advanced chromatographic methodologies.
In food and beverage companies, flavour chemistry can be used to identify both positive and negative compounds associated with specific sensory attributes. Using multivariate statistical techniques, flavour chemistry can also be linked with descriptive sensory evaluation to identify the compounds directly responsible for sensory perception. The more information available on a product, the better likelihood that key relationships that directly and indirectly impact on the formation of key flavour compounds can be explained.
- Identification of odour active compounds
- Optimisation of product quality
- Identification of taints / off-flavours
- Product mapping
- Process modification - impact on flavour
- Product comparison / matching
- Stability / storage evaluation
- Predictive modelling
Contact us
Feel free to contact us for further information on our sensory science services.