Research programme
Sensory Food Network Ireland has developed a comprehensive research programme aimed at strengthening the existing sensory capability within Ireland through research into specific sensory sciences including flavour chemsitry and statistical sensometric methodologies involving foods of particular relevance to the Irish economy. It is envisaged that this research will introduce new collaborative links with the aim of developing a sustainable nucleus of world class sensory research.
Currently, there are 3 postgraduate projects being undertaken in conjunction with Sensory Food Network Ireland. These are in the areas of:
Emerging sensory techniques - Led by UCD with Teagasc and University of Nottingham
- To investigate the ability of emerging rapid sensory methods to produce a coherent attribute profile compared to standard descriptive analysis techniques
The utilisation of chemometrics / sensometrics approach to optimse sensory and chemical techniques / data using Cheddar cheese as a food model - Led by Tegasc with UCC
- To investigate the use of chemometric / sensometric statistical approach to generate a true representative flavour profile of a product from data generated using novel descriptive sensory methodologies and advanced chemical techniques with compositional analysis
Consumer perceptions of beef: a comparison of consumers from different regions - Led by AFBI with UCC and Teagasc
- To determine the difference and similarities in consume preference for beef in different regions of Ireland and Great
- To identify a standard beef assessment procedure that can be used for consumers for all these regions
- To relate consumer data from different regions of Ireland and Great Britain to sensory profiling data on specific attributes
Developing novel food products which contain functional compounds from plant material, using molecular gastronomy principles and applications - Led by DIT with Teagasc
- In this project, suitable compounds from plant sources will be identified, including commercial sources i.e. pectin, lecithin, fibre, essential oils etc. and extracted. These compounds will be screened for biological potency (i.e. antioxidant capacity, total phenolics, HPLC profile, bioactivity & anti-microbial potential). The functional properties of the ingredients will be assessed for suitability in constructing novel foods i.e. textural impact, foaming capacity, emulsion stability, temperature stability etc. The flavour profile will be determined using SPME & GC-O and expert panellists.
Contact us
Feel free to contact us for further information on our research programme.